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Peer-to-Peer Trading

SolarShare about peer

Peer-to-Peer Trading

在SolarShare上直接与您的首选方进行买卖. 简单地提出一个价格,看看他们是接受还是拒绝. 您可以进行的买入交易数量没有限制, 您甚至可以为您的首选卖家设置优先级。.

Community Trading

SolarShare about trading

Community Trading

这是你在SolarShare上享受的另一种交易. 要参与社区交易,只需设置您的最高买入价格或最低卖出价格. 然后,让SolarShare帮助您确保每半小时从社区剩余太阳能池中获得最佳交易,这些剩余太阳能没有通过点对点交易分配. It's easy, hassle-free and best of all, 你可以接触到不止一个,而是很多买家和卖家,以获得最好的交易.

Solarshare is Traceable

Solarshare is Traceable

你怎么能确定每一笔在SolarShare上的Sell交易都是可靠的? SolarShare gives you the power to trace details. Every half-hourly, 每笔交易都被分配一个唯一的交易识别码,您可以查看以确定您的交易的合法性. 你也可以相信SolarShare的智能算法每半小时就会进行一次完美的匹配. 它确保每个买家的太阳能消费需求与合适的卖家报价相匹配. This way, 你可以比较不同卖家的价格来决定你喜欢的能源.

SolarShare is Measurable

SolarShare is Measurable

SolarShare为您踏上绿色之旅提供可衡量的见解. 你可以跟踪你的可再生能源消费模式. The amount of Type 2 Carbon Emissions generated. 以及有多少剩余的太阳能可供共享. 有了SolarShare,你需要的所有数据都触手可及.

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First, What Exactly is Green Energy?

SolarShare - What is green energy

First, What Exactly is Green Energy?

What makes energy green? Just like organic food, 绿色能源是通过更清洁的过程生产的, which amplifies its environmental value. This is why every type of green energy, e.g. 太阳能,带有一套绿色属性. 这些属性都是环保的特点和好处, which may include renewable energy resources, reduced carbon emissions, sustainability practices, and many more. Think of Green Attributes as currency. 作为太阳能销售商,你可以从你的绿色属性中获利. 作为买家,你需要支付与你购买的太阳能相关的绿色属性.

Who can Participate

Who can Participate

To participate in the SolarShare community, 您的公司或住宅必须在新加坡, equipped with the following requisites: 1. An electricity account with Senoko Energy 2. A smart meter installed at your premises Wish to find out more? 联系您的Senoko能源客户经理或发送电子邮件至

Not a Senoko Customer?

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For Businesses


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For Households

只需在您的Senoko Energy帐户上通过移动应用程序或在线订阅SolarShare作为增值服务,每月平台订阅费为5美元.45 (incl. GST).

For Businesses

Simply email your interest to 或联系您的专用Senoko能源客户经理注册. 平台订阅费用详细如下,基于每月交易量.

SolarShare Subscription Fees

 OEM Household <1.5Mwh
Small SME Companies <1.5Mwh $10.90
Medium SME Companies <8MWh


How to set Buyer’s price on SolarShare

For more details on how SolarShare works, view Frequently Asked Questions and the Consumer Product Terms


What You can Sell

Running a business that generates solar energy? 作为卖家,你可以通过两种方式实现利润最大化:

Your past 2 months' energy bills
Sell green attributes to SolarShare

What You Need to Start Selling

安装了太阳能电池板的企业可以给我们发电子邮件 with the following:

 1. Your past 2 months’ energy bills
2. 您的太阳能电池板发电能力的细节,以帮助审查您的资格


How to set Seller’s price on SolarShare,
and how to receive payment

For more details on how SolarShare works, view Frequently Asked Questions.


Who’s Already Selling on SolarShare?

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Choose Your Solar Energy Suppliers

These sellers are already active on SolarShare. 更多地了解他们来自哪里,更重要的是,他们的绿色能源来源.

Lam Hong (S) Pte Ltd

5 Kian Teck Drive Singapore 628822
MSSL Number: 9308813212


*Subject to GST, where applicable

JNBK Corporation Pte Ltd (Solateks Pte Ltd开发)

4 Tuas Basin Close Singapore 638797
MSSL Number: 9301685617


*Subject to GST, where applicable

Have solar panels installed on your rooftop? You can be a seller, too.

SolarShare about roof

Have solar panels installed on your rooftop? You can be a seller, too.

Did you know? 你安装的太阳能电池板不仅仅产生绿色能源, but also Green Attributes that can earn you money. 企业已经把多余的太阳能卖给了新加坡电力公司, and their Green Attributes on SolarShare. 现在加入SolarShare作为卖家,你也可以提高你的太阳能投资回报.

Explore Frequently Asked Questions

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